Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Let the ranting begin

I have started this blog to vent about all the annoying things that I come across in the world. In particular on language, politics, current events, religion, entertainment and practically anything that annoys me because of its irrationality.

I am a pedant when it comes to language, an economic liberal in politics, I follow current events (particularly business and politics), I am religiously a normative atheist (my own term - language pedants should be able to figure it out) and the objective standard of taste in entertainment (I jest, I am well aware of the arguments concerning objectivity in entertainment).

This blog is named after a phrase I first came across in the book Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson - 'Ultima Ratio Regum' - meaning the last (or final) argument of kings. Louis the 14th apparently engraved this on his cannons, as in his day when disputes could not be settled by diplomacy only force could compel a resolution. I like to think (or fantasise) that the world has moved beyond force and reasoned argument alone can compel agreement.

Whether anyone reads this bothers me not. But if you do, please weigh in with you own arguments, I am after all but a professional amateur in all these fields.

And on that note let the ranting begin...

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