Monday, 7 April 2008

Nuclear NZ

This article is interesting. It says that 19% of New Zealanders think that nuclear power is the best electricty option for the next 10 years.

The survey is not saying that only 19% of New Zealanders would accept nuclear power; 19% think it is the best electricity option. To me that implies that much more then 19% would accept nuclear power.

This seems a very large number for New Zealand, which, at least officially, prides itself and sells itself on its clean green nuclear free image (not that I personally think that nuclear power and cleanliness /greenness are mutually exclusive). And Helen Clark, and John Key, have the nuclear free policy as core 'national identity' policies.

Perhaps it is a combination of climate change, a perception of unreliable electricity (think Auckland CBD in 1998, all the warnings of power cuts / the cable conecting the North and South being half down, big recent power price charges, Contact and asbestos,... I could go on), changing attitudes to nuclear power the world over (Chernobal and 3 Mile Island happended a long while ago and the enemy is no longer a super power with thousands of nuclear weapons aimed at you and ready to go) and a lack of people actually identifying with the policy (the "its nice to have, but it doesn't define me" attitude).

I would like to see this reseach followed up. What are the New Zealand attitudes to nuclear power? Who is and isn't supporting it?

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